Kate Twigg

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A Simple Guide to Eyeshadow

Eyeshadow is where you can get creative

Does your eyeshadow routine feel over complicated? It shouldn’t.. your makeup routine is a fun way to be creative! Eyeshadows especially are a great way to express yourself. Unleash your creativity and have fun with it! Eyeshadow is the thing that can change your entire makeup look! Whether you’re going for glam or neutral, your eyeshadow plays a huge role in the finished result of your makeup look.

  • Blending is key. Make sure you’re using the right brushes (I love the "eyeshadow" and "blur" brushes) and blend in soft, circular motions.

  • Start light with the amount of shadow you apply. It’s harder to blend excess products, but you can always add more.

  • Using matte (non-shimmer) shades for your transition and outer corner adds more definition to the look.

  • Take your look a step further by applying a light shimmer shade in your tear duct and just under your brow to create a highlight.

Where you place your eyeshadow is all up to you, this is where your creativity is boss!

This is what makes you the artist, there are no rules, you have countless options, and you can try whatever you want, play with it, and have fun with it.

However, it is good for you to know the classic placing of eyeshadow, whether you are a Makeup Artist or for your own look.

Have fun with it! If you need help with finding eyeshadows that work for you, be sure to reach out and I will custom color match you!

Get Color Matched today!