The Benefits of Celery Juice

Chances are, you’ve recently heard of someone you know mention their new habit of drinking celery juice every morning and all of the amazing health benefits that it has bestowed upon them. When I was first diagnosed I started having so many gut issues. I talked to SO many people did a ton of research and kept hearing stories about how celery juice cured their gut issues. It helped them recover from C diff and other gut issues. So, I figured… what’s the harm in trying? Which led me to my journey of juicing celery daily.

For me personally - I have noticed easier digestion, less bloating, and clearer skin! I’ll take it 👏🏻

Potential Benefits…

  1. Lowers Inflammation

  2. Supports Weight Loss

  3. Aids Digestion

  4. Reduces Bloating

  5. Helps Eczema & Psoriasis

  6. Fights Infections

  7. Helps Prevent UTI’s

  8. Healing For Acne

  9. Helps Prevent Ulcers

  10. Helps Lower High Cholesterol

  11. Prevents High Blood Pressure

  12. Protects Liver Health

Nutritional Information

Raw, un-juiced celery is rich in water and important nutrients, including vitamins A, K, and C, beta carotene, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and flavonoids (powerful antioxidants).

Juicing retains most of the vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients present in raw vegetables, so many of the benefits of raw, un-juiced celery can also be attributed to celery juice.


Best Practices for Drinking Celery Juice

  • It's always best to juice your own organic celery.

  • Do not add lemon or any other fruits or juices to make it taste better. You will get the most impact when ingesting it alone.

  • Start with 8oz and build up to 32oz a day.

  • When you can't juice it yourself try organic powered celery and mix it with water (an immersion blender is helpful here)

  • You can try store bought celery juice but typically they add lemon or cucumber which is not ideal.

  • Add in a celery supplement to maximize the benefits

I was skeptical at first…but drinking celery juice daily has helped me so much with my gut issues. There are so many potential health benefits from drinking celery juice. One of the primary advantages of juicing vs. eating celery is the fact that the juicing process removes the pulp, which contains most of the vegetable’s fiber. 

Many nutritional experts believe that this step in the process boosts the physical healing effects of celery as well as allows people to consume much more celery in a single sitting than they could by eating it. 

Celery juice is also known to strengthen bile in a way that whole celery can’t, which is a crucial part of a healthy digestive system and the proper breakdown of fats in your body. Additionally, healthy bile is an important part of eliminating waste and toxins from your system, keeping your digestion smooth, and your liver free of excess toxic substances. 

I take the celery force supplement about 30 minutes after to enhance the benefits, and when I can’t juice I use an organic celery powder and mix it with water.


Organic Celery Powder


Celery Supplement

However, if juicing is an option for you, the addition of celery juice to your daily routine can create a huge difference in your daily energy levels as well as provide plenty of vitamins and minerals to keep your body strong and vital. Let me know if you try!

Kate Twigg

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